Page not found (404)

Request Method: GET
Request URL:

Using the URLconf defined in tebyan.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. admin/
  2. admin2/ [name='admin2']
  3. admin3/ [name='admin3']
  4. [name='index']
  5. fasle5/ [name='fasle5']
  6. org/ [name='org']
  7. alldataorg/ [name='alldataorg']
  8. contract/ [name='contract']
  9. selectmosqu/ [name='selectMosque']
  10. mosquedetail/ [name='detailMosque']
  11. mosquedit/<str:id>/ [name='editMosque']
  12. alldata/<str:id>/ [name='alldata']
  13. alldatamosque/<str:id>/ [name='alldatamosque']
  14. signup/ [name='signupurl']
  15. report/<str:id>/ [name='reqporturl']
  16. gotobank/<str:melicode>/<str:mosque>/ [name='gotogetway']
  17. callback/<str:id>/ [name='callback-gateway']
  18. success/<str:id>/ [name='successPay']
  19. selectgallery/<str:id>/ [name='selectgallery']
  20. addgallery/ [name='addgalleryurl']
  21. eatekaf/ [name='EatekafIndex']
  22. addcontact/<str:melicode>/ [name='urladdcontact']
  23. verify/ [name='verify']
  24. delete/<str:melicode> [name='deletecontact']
  25. confirm/<str:melicode> [name='confirmcontact']
  26. bankgateways/
  27. activityedit/ [name='activityedit']
  28. addallocation/ [name='addallocation']
  29. addzerocategor/ [name='addzerocategory']
  30. addsubcategory/ [name='addsubcategory']
  31. addcategory/ [name='addcategory']
  32. addchangeactivity/ [name='addchangeactivity']
  33. addcompany/ [name='addcompany']
  34. savecamp/ [name='savecamp']
  35. allcamp/ [name='allcamp']
  36. confirmcamp/<str:id> [name='confirmcamp']
  37. detail/<str:id>/ [name='detail']
  38. ^static/(?P<path>.*)$
  39. ^media/(?P<path>.*)$

The current path, SC.php, didn’t match any of these.

You’re seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.